Apr 12, 2013

Our way of honoring God for the sacrifice of His Son this Easter

This year held many new surprises for my marriage. Unlike ever before, my husband and I began to practice humility in our relationship with one another. It seemed as though we had left our past failures behind and had begun to experience a level of real intimacy. Most surprising, was how we celebrated Resurrection Sunday this year.
It was the first time during an Easter season that my husband and I genuinely held hands, prayed together and spoke about the peace and enjoyment we felt in each other’s company. For the first time, I wasn't fighting against my husband's willfulness. Instead, he encouraged me to share my faith with him.
As a result, I took steps to create an experience for him and our eight-year-old son that would lead them closer to God. First, I ordered a program on line that taught about Old Testament prophesies concerning our Lord, Jesus Christ. “Maybe my husband’s heart is opened enough to participate in weekly bible study.” I thought.
When the program called “The Messiah Mystery,” arrived in the mail, I quickly and excitedly shared it with my husband. To my surprise, he offered to lead our family in the study. Wow! Each Wednesday of Lent, we wandered back in time together and anticipated the coming of Jesus Christ.
Around the same time, a television channel began to air a special called The Bible. How odd it was to be now holding hands while watching the same channel that used to spark fights over Christianity and its role in our home!
Soon Holy Week was upon us. Another surprise awaited us in our mailbox. It was a children’s cartoon featuring The Last Supper. A month prior, I ordered the children’s movie in the hopes of watching it while reenacting Jesus' Last Supper in our home. I didn’t expect my husband to join in. However, once again, he surprised me and joyfully participated in our simple version of the Last Supper meal. He even watched the children’s DVD with our son and me and commented about how he was finally starting to comprehend the true meaning of Easter Sunday.
Today, I stand in awe of all that God has done to bring our hearts closer together. For years, I had prayed for "Shalom in the home." Now, I was beginning to experience a peace that surpassed all understanding!

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To read this author's personal testimony please go to: http://dlouyoung.blogspot.com/p/store.html


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