Romans 8:18 (NKJV) "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
One day, just after I dropped my young son off at school, I felt a sudden urge to have breakfast at a local restaurant. Oddly enough, we had eggs, bread and coffee in our refrigerator. I thought to myself, “Why would I go out to eat, when I have the time to cook my own breakfast. Besides, I don't have the extra spending cash to take myself out for a treat!” Nonetheless, God was convicting my heart to go to a particular restaurant and order food. So, I obeyed Him and went.
I hadn’t finished reading my bible chapter that morning, so I stopped by my apartment to grab my bible before driving to the cafe. I felt my stomach begin to rumble, as I walked through the door. The aroma of a delicious home cooked meal filled the air.
Almost immediately, I was greeted by the sweet smile of a waitress. She sat me in one of the few two chair tables. Along the way, we exchanged light pleasantries. Then, she brought a menu, filled my coffee cup with fresh coffee and offered me a minute to decide on my order.
When I opened the menu, I immediately felt my heart drop. I wanted to order something other than eggs and toast, but the high price of $9.50 for a breakfast burrito was too much for my budget. As a result, I ordered the cheapest meal on the menu, a budget breakfast that included one egg, a piece of toast and a cup of coffee. Instantly, I again wondered, "Why am I spending money on something we already have at home Lord?" God sweetly nudged my heart and reminded me that I was not there for me and that He would not allow me to feel a financial burden.
Soon, the waitress brought my order. I prayed my usual blessing and thanked God for the food. Then, the waitress approached my table with a fresh pot of coffee. I had just finished my prayer when she politely asked, “More coffee?” I nodded my head “Yes,” then said, “I would have added you to my prayer, but I don't know your name." She shrugged her shoulders and nonchalantly replied, "Oh, that's nice, my name is ___________.” I smiled and said, "Okay, I will pray for you." I bowed my head a second time and began to pray.
A few minutes later, the same waitress returned to my table and offered to refresh my coffee. As she tipped the coffee pot towards my cup, I looked up from my bible. I shared with her the prayer I prayed for her. I said, "I prayed that God would reveal Himself to you today, either through a large tip (if you need money) or in whatever way would best reach your heart.”
The waitress’ eyes welled with tears. She cleared her throat and replied, "Well, my father passed away just a week ago, and I miss him very much!" I felt the small of my back lean against my chair as I exhaled a deep sigh. Quietly, I praised God for prompting me to bring His loving name to the surface of this woman’s heart.
Next, I shared my testimony with the teary eyed woman. When I was finished, I said, "God never leaves us. I believe He is nearest when we need Him the most!" She solemnly left my table and went to serve another customer.
Before I left the restaurant that day, I placed my tip on the front counter. The tip was in the same amount as my bill. Then, as I began to leave, the woman approached me. She held out her hand, to return my tip and said, "This is way too much!" I paused for a moment. I told her to keep the money. Then I offered her my favorite leather cross bookmark from my bible. On the back, I had written, "Lord, be with _____ today. In Christ, Donna." Had God used me to stir the grieving woman’s heart and confirm that she was not alone in her hour of need?
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