Jul 29, 2017

September 17, 2012: My Personal Journal Entry: Trusting God's plan for my life. Following the LORD Jesus wherever He may lead.

Dear Father, this week, I read about another absolute Truth regarding the Christian walk. I read, “The pathway of faith has a divine purpose, and we’re to obey You, no matter what. Even when Your direction is perplexing, we can count on the fact that You are good.” Dr. Charles Stanley. Today, my mind is at rest and my heart is filled with Your peace. It’s a beautiful day outside. A light warm breeze is gracing our home along with the sweet sound of little birds singing their own song of worship. I decide to take a short walk to the Park office to collect our mail.
The owner of the park, whom I had never formally met before, just happens to be in the RV office at the time. Louise, one of the office ladies, properly introduces me to the tall, strapping and broad-shouldered middle-aged man.  As usual, I take advantage of the moment and begin sharing my testimony with him. I speak a mile a minute. Then, I share a few recent missionary experiences. The man stares off into the distance, chin up, head cocked back. I could almost see the wheels in his head trying to keep up with my fast talking tongue. Then, I stop for a moment to take a breath. That’s when the man surprises me with his response. “I was raised Jewish.” He said. Then, he inexplicably gives me permission to enroll our child in public school! A shock wave goes through my entire body.  I hadn’t even spoken about the dilemma I had been facing regarding Travis’ education.
Then, the man hands me a copy of our rental agreement, the final missing piece to Travis’ enrollment paperwork, and sends me on my way. Along my return route, I suddenly remember the phone call I had received from the Social Worker. “You need your time to serve God,” she had said, “and, your son needs friends his own age to play with.” You were using anointed, timely and enriching voices to steer me towards Your plan. Without hesitation, I race over to the nearest school in our town. Within an hour, Travis was fully enrolled and ready to join his new classmates.  He is excited! We both are. Thank You, LORD, for helping me to see that walking in obedience and trust is the only way to true peace.

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