Dear Holy God, today while watching my husband get baptized, my heart longed for You. In front of a small crowd of churchgoers, LeeRoy said a few words. I shrunk in my seat, ashamed and embarrassed as he flippantly mentioned that I was the one who led him to You.
And how did I respond to the event that was likely touching the hearts of others, by being quietly submissive? Not at all. I allowed the feeling of powerlessness to rule my heart as I bitterly gossiped about my husband’s insincere faith to another church goer. Oh LORD, When will I ever learn?
“How oft have I the Spirit grieved,
Since first with me he strove;
How obstinately disbelieved,
And trampled on his love!
How have I sinn’d against the light;
Broken from His embrace;
And woud not, when I freely might,
Be justified by grace.
But afterall that I have done
To drive Him from my heart,
The Spirit leaves me not alone,-
He doth not yet depart;
He will not give the sinner o’er;
Ready e’ev now to save,
He bids me come as heretofore,
That I His grace may have.
I take Thee at that gracious Word;
my foolishness I mourn;
And unto my redeeming Lord,
However late, I turn: Saviour, I yield, I yield at last;
I hear thy speaking blood;
Myself, with all my sins,
I cast On my atoning God.”[1]
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