Father God, five days ago, Travis was baptized a second time. During our visit to our home church for Resurrection Sunday, on his own and without my knowledge, Travis approached our Pastor and requested to be baptized a second time. I was surprised when our Pastor came to share the good news. “You know, Travis asked me if I’d baptize him again. He said, ‘The first time I copied my mom, this time I want to do it for God.’” I smiled, as I tried to grasp my young son’s spiritual growth.
However, the last few days, Travis has been acting sad and glum. At first, I chalked the experience up to a spiritual attack, knowing that Satan tries to rob us of joy and peace.
But now I am wondering if something else is bothering him. Having never raised a young boy before, I called my Pastor for advice. “I would have thought Travis would be fired up and bursting with joy. Yet, he seems so sad right now and I can’t seem to rid myself of this unexpected lump that continues rise in my throat. What do I do Pastor?”
“Spend some alone time with your child.” He said. “Travis needs you as much, if not more than all those other hurting people.”
Taking his advice, I shared my intentions with Travis and we took a long walk around a local state park. As we walked along, he shared his heart with me. "I miss my friends in Nipomo," he said. He was sharing the raw emotions of his sweet, broken little heart. I remained quiet as I thought to myself, "Have I underestimated just how lonely a little boy could feel, even when he is surrounded by his family?" My son was not only homesick, he was feeling isolated. In the race to keep up with serving the lost and broken hearted, I had somehow forgotten the bond I had with Travis. My heart filled with compassion. So, I bent down and hugged my son. Then, I placed my hands upon his little shoulders and gazed into his eyes. I said, “I am sorry that you feel so alone. I guess I’ve become so busy serving others that I’ve forgotten to share my life with you too.” Travis just quietly stared back at me. Then, he bowed his head. I took his hand and we continued our walk together.
The hour passed quickly and soon it was time to return to the trailer park. By now, Travis had a bounce in his step. At one point he began skipping. Then, suddenly while walking towards our car, Travis stopped me and hugged me tightly. He asked, "Hey Mom, can we do this again tomorrow?" I just smiled.
With the key in the ignition and while pulling out of the parking lot, I prayed a simple prayer to You. I prayed, “Father God, please help me to savor moments with my family and to make time for connection rather than always hurrying to complete my own daily to-do list. Help me to show my family that they are important to You too. Give me the wisdom, to know just how to be a companion to my husband and son while they take their own journey with Your Son, Jesus Christ in Whose name I pray. Amen.”
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