Oct 3, 2017

August 29, 2013: My Personal Journal Entry: Father/Son Lake Hume Christian Camp 2013

Father God almighty, I am sorry I have not written for over a month. I’ve been trying my best to follow close behind each step You take. I’d like to thank You for how You’ve softened my heart and allowed me to continue to follow You. I think LeeRoy has begun to follow along too.
It all began with You leading me to humbly submit to my husband. It was around that time when I first began hearing about a Christian camp that offers “The ultimate father-son outdoor adventure!” Like so many times before, You used timely, anointed voices to guide me. One person, seemingly out of nowhere, began sharing just how much she loved the camp. Around the same time, one morning, I found myself pulling over to the side of the road to help out a stranger who I thought was in need assistance. The vehicle happened to be part of a caravan heading off to the very same Christian camp I had just heard about. Soon after, my husband offered me a portion of our Federal Tax refund. By the time he handed me a check, I knew You wanted them to attend. I quickly ran the idea by my husband who reluctantly, but not so reluctantly said, “Yes.” So, I took action right away and booked their first Father/Son weekend journey.
In the days leading up to their weekend together, I watched as my husband readied his heart for the outdoor experience. Thankfully, the Hume Lake Christian Camp website was enough to spark his interest. “We’ll be sleeping on bunks in genuine covered wagons, while enjoying great food, teaching times outside under the stars, and lots of manly activities. Father-Son Adventure Camp is designed for men and boys (ages 8 and up) that want to have adventure while creating memories that will last a lifetime.”
Soon, LeeRoy was thoughtfully packing his bag, carefully checking off each Wagon Train necessity. Flash lights, blankets, socks that would become part of a stinky sock contest, sunblock, and bug spray, lots of bug spray. I had to all but turn my head to keep him from seeing my tearful face, while he oh so carefully packed his camouflage Bible. It had been awhile since he had held the Holy Bible in his hands.
The original idea was for LeeRoy to spend some time with both of his boys. Yet, our older son had to work and wasn't able to attend. So, this past weekend, Travis found himself captivated by his dad's undivided attention. Travis learned to shoot his first 22, played dodge ball with "real bows and arrows,” and was shot off a large "blob" flying high in the air and landing into the lake. My husband and his son even read Scripture together. Before they could return home, my husband shared that they were already planning for next year.

Today, LORD Jesus, I find myself singing praises to You for the extravagant gift of Your grace.  Thank You for being mighty to save. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

LeeRoy & Travis at Hume Lake Christian Camp
Father/Son Weekend Adventure 2013

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