Oct 20, 2017

November 8, 2013: My Personal Journal Entry: Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

El Shaddai, lately I’ve become very attracted to people in distress. While others are running away from the outcast, handicapped, seriously ill, or those wounded in spirit, Your Spirit prompts me to run towards them. Sometimes, my feet move so swiftly, even I walk away feeling surprised. Thank You for how You are equipping me to reach out to others who are suffering. Thank You for leading me through the power of Your love!
Today, LeeRoy, Travis and I took our first trip to downtown Manhattan, New York City. As we walked among all the hustle and bustle, I tried to notice all that was going on around me. It was a cold fall evening and I could feel the city coming alive. Bright colorful flashing lights lit up every building, illuminating just how many people were dressed in black suits. At every street corner, a crowd gathered. Meanwhile, the sound of jackhammers and construction crew members screaming out to one another, mixed with a plethora of smells from vendor carts and underground tunnel sewage.
In the middle of one particular city block, several people had walked by a homeless woman as though she was invisible. Seeing this, caused a stabbing pain in my chest. The woman looked chilled as she held out a small paper cup filled with a few pennies, nickels and dimes. As our family drew near, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill. Then I ran up to where she stood, leaving my husband and so to trail behind. I placed my hands on the back of her shoulders, softly turned her around and hugged the stranger tightly. As sweetly as I could, I spoke these words, "Jesus has not forgotten you... God is with you!" The woman began to hug me too as she wept in my arms. As she tearfully cried, I continued to hold onto to her snugly. When she stopped crying, I slowly pulled away. Then, I placed the five dollars in her cup. At that very moment, my husband walked over to where the woman and I stood and placed another $10.00 in her cup. As we pulled apart, the stranger shared her name. Then, LeeRoy, Travis and I started to walk away.
Within a few steps, I turned back around and called out to the woman one more time. I raised my voice so that she could hear me through all the city noise. I said, "You know, my Savior's mother's name was Mary too." The woman smiled and said, "I know."

 I grabbed my husband’s hand. Now I was smiling too. Quietly, and merrily, I thanked You in my heart for placing Mary on our path! “This is going to be a good week LORD,” I said under my breath.

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2

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