Nov 1, 2017

December 1, 2013: My Personal Journal Entry: God often reveals just how Satan is working in someone's life

Savior and Redeemer, it has been two weeks since our return from New York. I am still basking in the divine purpose of the trip. I smile each time I remember how You led me in showing others, even through the smallest of kind acts, Your compassionate heart. I almost forgot to mention. Travis and I made a lifelong friend out of a Long Island grocery clerk named Jimmy. I’ll never forget how the sweet produce man offered Travis a free juicy red apple the moment we entered the small mom and pop store. I know that I’ll remember him because he was the only person in New York who spoke to me with a New York accent. Somehow Jimmy’s presence made me feel at home.
For the past few weeks, I have begun offering support to another family here in the trailer park. One day, the wife approached me. During our first conversation, she shared that her marriage of 30 years is failing. I offered to pray with her. She accepted my offer. After our conversation, I returned home to our trailer and prayed again for guidance.  It didn’t take long before Your Spirit enabled me to recognize the practical needs of this family. Soon, I felt empowered to quickly meet their needs.
Since the family’s only vehicle was broken, I began offering the family’s high school teenager rides to school in the morning. Then, I made homemade chicken soup each member of the family began passing around the same cold. Almost immediately, the woman began coming to our home to receive additional prayer support. I stayed up late many nights praying with her and sharing the Truth from Your Word. On one occasion, I enlisted the help of my husband who tried his best to fix their broken vehicle. As a gift from his heart, LeeRoy offered the husband a brand new set of tools.
This past week, I shared my personal testimony with the father. I watched as the man chewed on the inside of his bottom lip while I spoke. After I finished telling my story, the man stated that he was fine, and not to worry about him or his family because he had begun to read his Bible again. Evidently, the man didn’t know that his wife had been sharing the woes of their marriage with me.

Father, I know that You are at work in this situation and I thank You for drawing me to this family’s side to demonstrate Your great love for them. Thank You for making known to me, through their confessions, how Satan is at work in their lives. Thank You for allowing me to walk by their side so that they don’t have to face their demons alone. Please intervene in each of their lives LORD, Jesus so that You may be glorified. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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