At Travis’ first parent/teacher conference, I brought a personalized Bible with me. The Bible had his brand new teacher’s name inscribed on the cover. I was excited. A new public school filled with opportunities to share our faith.
After only a few minutes of light pleasantries, I was sure that I was to offer his new teacher her present. So, I scooted the gift bag across the study table where we sat together. Then, I shared my testimony. In return, Travis’ teacher shared her heart. “Christians haven’t been very nice to me.” She sadly replied. Her comment caused me to wonder, “Lord, have You led me to this hurting woman’s side to comfort her?”
A few days later, I surprised this same middle school teacher with a masterpiece Funfetti Cake. “Perhaps a cake made of confetti will bring her a little cheer.” I thought as I baked the homemade treat. The look on his 6th-grade teacher’s face was priceless! “How did you know that Funfetti cakes are my absolute favorite?” She asked in wonder. I just smiled and replied, “God knows!”
It has been three short years since that first meeting. In a few weeks, Travis will be graduating from the 8th grade and moving on to High School. He has learned, loved and grown in this teacher’s daily care. That’s why I decided to bookend our wonderful experience, by making another Funfetti cake. This time, however, I would include his classmates by baking cupcakes.

I stopped for a moment and prayed. Right away, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper, “Safeway.” So, I waited until the afterschool bell rang. Then, with Travis in tow, we dashed over to the local grocery store where, for the past few years, I’ve been ministering to the nearly twenty-five employees. Travis and I cheerfully handed out all but five cupcakes. One employee hugged me so tightly that I began to choke. “I can’t believe this!” She screamed. “You are going to make me cry.” Then, she began to sob. I held on tight to her as she cried. I wasn’t expecting such a grand response to such a small gesture.
Next, Travis and I drove to the local CVS. “Perhaps a few of my friends might enjoy the remaining cupcakes.” I thought. Sure enough, each one of my friends received their goodie with joy and deep gratitude!
Oh LORD, every day with You is “Funfetti!” I thought.
Hello sister Donna. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also blessed and feel privielged and honoured to get connected with you as well as know you as an Evangelist. Your testimony on the profile is a blessing as to how the Lord touched you at the age of 38 an incident where you were charged with a falony and your turning to Jesus for a help where He saved you and further it led you to repentance for the past sinful behaviour. I am truly blessed by your testimony. Your blog post has been another thng God reminded me of the ways how we can be intentional in sharing the love of Christ through various ways as means. Your thoughtful gift to Travis' teacher of a Bible must have removed from her mind the ill treatment she may have received from christians because of which she did not have good opinion about them. The other way you used was to reach out to a group of 25 people with those cup cakes and at other place to 5 people with those cup cakes. While receiving this one lady breaking in to tears. Wow I am so much encouraged by your intentional ways of sharing the love of Christ to others that will impact their lives. I am trulty blessed. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 40 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. we also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai to work with us during young vacation time to strengthened the body of Christ through your sharing of the Word of God also encourage young people fr om your friends circle to come to Mumbai for a short term missions trip to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. I am sure they will have alife changing experience. God willing I will be in the United States in the month of July 2019 and will be so glad to stop by your place and visit you and see the possible of you or young people from your church to come to Mumbai to work with us. Looking forward to hear from you. I tried to reach out to you through your blog post but it did not accept my comment.
Sincerely in Jesus,
Pastor Diwakar
What a wonderful word of encouragement today! Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to use your words to touch my heart. I say to my husband all the time, "If God provided a way for me to travel, I would go to all of the places that Pastors have requested that I should visit. I would go simply to hold their hand and pray with them for their ministry in Christ Jesus." My husband, who is not a believer, just smiles. Yet, somehow, I know he believes me.
Brother, if God allowed me to come to your country, I'd come. Right now, however, He seems to want me to stay where I am. Because you are from India, you might find it interesting how God is bringing non-believing Indians to my side. In just over one week, a woman from India will be performing surgery on my scalp as my cancer has returned. I am excited to share the Gospel with her!
And, just recently, God placed me as a hired hand in the home of a family from Tamil Nadu. For weeks, I studied how to speak in Hindi and Tamil. Then, for almost two months, every day I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the family and their extended family members who had come to the USA for a visit.
Moreover, my immediate neighbors are from India. What a joy it has been to share the Gospel with them. We even have a blessed reminder of the work of our LORD on display in our front yard for them to see each day as they return home from work.
Perhaps one day, God will orchestrate that you and I will meet this side of heaven. Either way, I will be saying a heartfelt prayer for you today. May you feel God's presence and know of His mighty love for you.
THANK YOU for writing to me today. I have been truly blessed by your comment.
In Christ Jesus alone,
God Bless!
Thank you Lon Anderson! God bless you too! In Christ Jesus,
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