Jun 8, 2019

God uses a Tumor to save the lost?

Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You restore my health and allow me to live!
~ Isaiah 38:16

When life feels uncertain or our longings go unmet, it is easy and comforting to grasp for a temporary fix. Yet as I have recently learned, clamoring for attention or approval from anyone other than God can steal your peace.
Twelve years ago, I had a cancerous tumor on my forehead. I was a busy social worker at the time, a mom of a toddler and a teenager as well as a new wife (married just under three years). Back then, I had the cancer removed and thought nothing of it. No fanfare. No fuss. At the time, I was an unbeliever.
Then approximately two years ago, I noticed the same marking upon my forehead. So I went to see a dermatologist who stated, “there was nothing to worry about.” Still, having experienced this rare form of cancer before, I felt certain that the doctor was wrong. I decided to seek a second opinion. I completely ignored what I knew to be true about God’s leading.
Normally when God guides, He follows a very specific pattern of events. First, the Holy Spirit speaks to me through God’s Word. Then, He speaks to me through prayer. Next, God uses circumstances to confirm what He is saying. And finally, God uses the counsel of other believers to validate His will.
The same was true in this instance. God was speaking to me through His Word. “I will heal you.” He said. What a wonderful promise! Yet, I was restless and impatient. Rather than wait for confirmation, I made an appointment to have the bump on my forehead biopsied. The biopsy results were inconclusive.
Sadly, by this time I was certain that “I was right.” Despite the encouragement and correction God was repeating through His Word, I persisted in leaning on my own understanding. When God said, "Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads," (Ezekiel 3:8 NKJV), I took His Word to mean that I would be able to reason with the Stanford surgeons. God must have wept while I continued to pursue the desires of my own heart.  
Weeks went by. All the while, God’s Word was causing me to search my heart for selfish and worldly motives. Still, I ignored His repeated tender warnings and had the operation. The operation itself went well. Amazingly, God used the situation to allow me to speak to the four surgeons with an undaunted and fearless spirit.
Then the results came in. Imagine my surprise. Benign! Immediately, I revisited the Scriptures that God had led me to read during the weeks prior. As a result, I fell to my knees in repentance. Then I said a heartfelt prayer, “Father God Almighty, I am sorry for seeking from others what only You can give. I know now the distress that comes from leaning on my own understanding. Please forgive me for my selfish desires. Thank You for healing my body and for using the situation to heal my family as well. Thank You for holding no record of wrongs and for continuing to teach me to rely on You for all things. I love You Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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