John 3:16-17 (NKJV)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."
It was the day before Easter Sunday. I had taken my youngest child to the nearby park to participate in the annual Easter egg hunt with his friends from school. We arrived at the exact time of the scheduled hunt. Consequently, we had to scramble to find our place in the correct line. Large areas of the field had been taped off to separate the differing age groups. Yet somehow, there were no signs posted to know exactly where the six-year-olds should stand. Uncertain of where to wait, my young son and I simply stood in back of several rows of anxious children and their parents. Then, my son quickly spotted a few of his friends in line. He moved to stand next to them. Within minutes, another parent standing next to me, said, "Did you know this section is for 3-5 year-olds?" We were standing in the wrong age group!
Still, additional parents and children had arrived and they were now scrunched behind us. I wondered, "Should I take my son to the correct area?" Just then, a woman with a small megaphone began to direct all parents to wait for their children at the other side of the enclosure. The other side was thirty feet away! If I left my child, I would later have to find him among the hundreds of young children who were free to roam in a space half the size of a football field.
Confused and faced with a quick decision, I let my son remain by his friends and I ran to other side of the field. The whistle blew just as I approached the other side. I immediately began to visually scan the marked off area for my son. I couldn't find him! Where was my son? Panic pierced my heart and I began to pray, "Please Lord Jesus, I don't see my son. Please help me see my son. Please Lord Jesus!" Sweat poured off the sides of my brow while I ran around frantically trying to locate my child. Suddenly, a crowd of children and parents ran down the field, under the taped off area, and rushed past where I stood. “That’s it,” I thought. I stepped over the yellow tape and ran towards where I saw my son last. Then, I stopped. I began to pray earnestly and fervently. “Please Lord reveal my son!” When I opened my eyes and looked up, I instantly saw his green shirt. My son and I made eye contact. Then, I ran directly to his side. Relief! My son was safe in my arms again! Thank You Jesus!
Later, when my son and I started to walk towards our car, I began to reflect about the feeling I had experienced. I thought, "What an frightful feeling for a parent to lose a child, even for one second!" Instantly, I felt incredible gratitude towards God the Almighty Father! I began to humbly pray, "What must it have felt like to endure the Cross? I am truly sorry it took me so long to devote my life to Your will God, please forgive me! Thank You for Your sacrifice and the gift of the Cross. Where would I be without You Lord?”
John 10:14-15 "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep."(NKJV)
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