Jul 10, 2012

Where is God? Time to clean the showers!

“From the discouraging word to the healing word
Proverbs 15:4-6 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life,
But perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” (NKJV)

 “A dangerous heat wave is expected to hit parts of Southern California beginning Tuesday, bringing triple-digit temperatures to inland valley areas,” the news reporter warned. “That’s exactly where we are staying,” I thought. Soon, the outside t...hermometer read “106 degrees,” and our small built in air conditioner was working overtime to keep up with the soaring heat. Sadly for our 7-year-old as the temperature rose, so did my temper. By mid-afternoon, I had completely forgotten how to tame my tongue and was picking on my young son about every little thing.
Prior to October 2008, I never understood the power of words. I didn’t understand how a gentle word could encourage the soul or how a cruel word could devastate one’s spirit. While living an unholy life, I used words to express my anger, to discourage and to control others. But, by reading scripture, I had discovered how words of the righteous can influence, support and even win souls. So, why was I allowing a very hot day to change influence my attitude?

Earlier in the week, God had placed it on my heart to clean the restrooms of the RV Park where we were staying. Afterwards, I was supposed to share my testimony with the person who normally cleans the restrooms. Yet, instead of obeying prompting by the Holy Spirit, I chose to remain in stuck in the trailer affected by the heat and murmur and complain. By the end of the day, both my young and I were feeling choked up and moved to tears.
Consequently before bedtime, I bowed my head and tearfully prayed. "Please God, help me to be more like You, patient, slow to anger and kindhearted. Help me to serve You without hesitation. I want You to be honored in my home because of the virtues I personify. Help me Lord to be a reflection of Your love, especially to my young son. In Your Holy Name. Amen."

The next morning, my son and I began our day by reading the bible together. Instantly, peace mixed with the warm air of the trailer. Soon, I felt an uncontrollable urge to clean the restrooms on the site. So, I grabbed my cleaning material and walked across the grassy area to where the restrooms were located. I began to scrub. Almost immediately, salty sweat began to pour from my forehead. As the chemicals mixed with the muggy air, sweat stung my eyes. Still, I began to sing a song I heard in church a few days prior. “Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul, worship His holy name… sing like never before, oh my soul, worship Your holy name, worship Your holy name.” Within a few hours, I had completed my task, not one scuff mark left behind!

Afterwards, I gathered my son. We went to the pool to cool off. Without delay God confirmed His presence in the form of two doves that circled only a few feet above our heads.  I wondered, "Is this divine acceptance of my act of obedience and song of worship?" Once again, I praised the Lord and promised that next time, I will act out of obedience with courage and confidence.  What a perfect day!

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!
To read this author's personal testimony please go to: http://dlouyoung.blogspot.com/p/store.html

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