Jun 25, 2017

February 15, 2012 My Journal Entry: God, Your Word is true! Hope does not disappoint! You have answered my prayer!

Oh Glorious God, Your Word is true! Hope does not disappoint! You have answered my prayer! I am so sorry I doubted You.
Just after dropping Travis off at school this morning, a friend called. In a panic, she asked to drop by my home on her way to see her dad in the hospital. Heartbreakingly, her dad is recovering from a massive and sudden stroke. “I need someone to watch my pets and home while I’m gone.” She said. “Of course.” I quickly replied. Then we ended our call abruptly. I immediately began to pray. “Please Lord; comfort my friend in her time of great need. Show her Your intimate love and confirm that You are indeed with her and her family right now. In Your Son’s mighty name, Jesus. Amen.”
            When she arrived, my friend shared her greatest fear, losing her dad, with me while standing at my front door. I didn’t know quite how to respond. I just knew she needed hope. Even I was surprised at what I next said to her. I shared my prayer for Valentine's Day with her. I said, “I didn’t get to see the entire ‘John 3:16’ written in the sky.” However, for some unknown reason, I still find myself looking up." We walked together to her car. As she got inside, she smiled and said, “I like that, now I am going to be looking up too!”
            I had just walked back into our apartment for a moment before the phone rang a second time. “Donna, I just had to call. You are not going to believe this! As we drove out of town, we looked up towards the sky. There it was! ‘3 dot dot 1 6. Your 3:16!’ It wasn’t written in the clouds. But, each number was in the blue sky between the clouds.”

My eyes began to swell with overflowing warm tears! God, You’ve not only shown me Your ability to answer even the most personal prayers, but You used my child-like prayer to provide the necessary hope my friend so desperately needed. Thank You, LORD, for growing my faith in You! Thank You, Jesus! You are amazing God! 

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