It took yesterday's official book launch for me to search my soul regarding why God led me to write a book. I spent many nights, staying up late, creating videos for YouTube, a personal blog and a facebook page. I even began to read books on how to utilize Inbound Marketing techniques. However, in the process of marking the book, I lost the desire to simply tell my story. I had forgotten the joy I felt in offering a free copy of the book to someone who was experiencing pain.
This morning, my husband woke up before me. He quietly tiptoed into the kitchen to get a Mountain Dew. When I heard him, I opened my eyes. Then, he came to sit by my side. We talked briefly about the change in weather. He said, "It's gorgeous outside." So, I encouraged him to go play a round of golf. I said, "I need to do some soul searching and truly listen to God's direction. Somehow, I have gotten off track."
Then, soon after my husband left, I opened my bible and began to read a chapter. The pages settled on Judges Chapter 5. At first, I read that God doesn't need human help, yet is pleased to accept the services of those use their talents to advance His cause. As my eyes welled with tears, I spoke to God. "I am sorry I made the past few months about money. Providing hope to others by sharing my testimony is the real reason you allowed me to write the book! I'm sorry God!"
I continued to read and discovered that those who serve the Lord with the talents He has given them will not lose their reward. I started to wonder, "What was I hoping to accomplish with the book launch? Generate a bunch of money? Had I forgotten all those times God handed me unexpected money when I focused my efforts solely on Him?"
By the time I finished writing this blog, everything I heard, saw or read was about money. First, I read a bible verse that told me "Narrow, selfish spirits care not what becomes the church but worry about getting, keeping and saving money." Next, I watched my youngest son dump his piggy bank and complain about how much money he lacked. Then, a commercial for a Capital One credit card aired on the television. The actor said, "Do you want more cash? Who doesn't want more cash?"
I thought back over the past few years. I remembered how I had relied on the Lord to provide for my needs and that He had never let me down. Of course sharing the hope that I have found through Jesus Christ is far more rewarding than any amount of riches this world can offer!
This morning, my husband woke up before me. He quietly tiptoed into the kitchen to get a Mountain Dew. When I heard him, I opened my eyes. Then, he came to sit by my side. We talked briefly about the change in weather. He said, "It's gorgeous outside." So, I encouraged him to go play a round of golf. I said, "I need to do some soul searching and truly listen to God's direction. Somehow, I have gotten off track."
Then, soon after my husband left, I opened my bible and began to read a chapter. The pages settled on Judges Chapter 5. At first, I read that God doesn't need human help, yet is pleased to accept the services of those use their talents to advance His cause. As my eyes welled with tears, I spoke to God. "I am sorry I made the past few months about money. Providing hope to others by sharing my testimony is the real reason you allowed me to write the book! I'm sorry God!"
I continued to read and discovered that those who serve the Lord with the talents He has given them will not lose their reward. I started to wonder, "What was I hoping to accomplish with the book launch? Generate a bunch of money? Had I forgotten all those times God handed me unexpected money when I focused my efforts solely on Him?"
By the time I finished writing this blog, everything I heard, saw or read was about money. First, I read a bible verse that told me "Narrow, selfish spirits care not what becomes the church but worry about getting, keeping and saving money." Next, I watched my youngest son dump his piggy bank and complain about how much money he lacked. Then, a commercial for a Capital One credit card aired on the television. The actor said, "Do you want more cash? Who doesn't want more cash?"
I thought back over the past few years. I remembered how I had relied on the Lord to provide for my needs and that He had never let me down. Of course sharing the hope that I have found through Jesus Christ is far more rewarding than any amount of riches this world can offer!
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